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I already posted about this on facebook, and I doubt that this will be read by even a single solitary person, but still, if you're interested in my opinion on the topic, I thought I'd elaborate here...

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Looking forward to the new version of OBS

Version 28 looks to have a number of fixes and additions. The biggest of which is probably the HDR support, but personally I'm more interested in playing around with the updated inteface and testing out the potential performance increase...

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Back from hiatus

The majority of the renovations have been completed, and I have been able to move all the streaming equipment back into position. So I have finally started again.

Also, I had my first Collab stream with Lum (hachirota_ram), and it went great! (Read more, for video)
We plan to stream together weekly (every saturday from around noon danish time)

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Under Construction

For the next month or so, my bathroom will be undergoing renovations, and in that process they are also going to shut off the water for my kitchen.

This means that not only will bathroom breaks be getting quite a bit longer, but my life in general is going to be a little messy anf tumultuous for the time being. So I'm going to be taking a break from streaming until my life is back to normal.

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